Temperature Testing - Does it work and will it work in Winter?


As the days (particularly the mornings) get colder – we need to draw the attention of all of our “Covid Supervisor” clients to the fact that infra-red thermometers do not work below 10-12 degrees. This means that, if your temperature screenings are undertaken outside - they will just not work during most of the winter!

At best, the advantages of temperature screening are based around 1) providing a visible process to promote employee reassurance around covid security and 2) providing a deterrent to anyone feeling unwell but deciding to “chance” turning up for work.

We have always been pretty clear with clients that the science behind temperature screening as a way to “detect” infection Covid patients is poor – and the sensitivity off forehead thermometers as “clinical” instruments is also not great at room temperature (and probably much worse when used on cold people standing outside in a cold wind).

The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulators Agency (MHRA) have been pretty clear that temperature testing should not be relied on to screen for Covid-19: See full info here

We also know that a significant proportion of infected people develop no symptoms at all and, of these that do, 20-30% don’t ever develop a fever.

So in, terms of health screening, - we would suggest that an advance health declaration in relation to any of the Covid-19 symptoms combined with “on the day “verification that nothing has changed (ideally with a healthcare professional who can discuss and risk-assess any changes) is the best solution for the Winter - in the absence of actual crew testing.

On a final note – Location Medical are now providing on site rapid covid testing, so it is possible to test screws on arrival.