Unit Paramedics & Ambulances


Fully Equipped Paramedic Ambulances

The gold standard of medical safety - having a fully equipped emergency ambulance on standby allows any casualty to receive expert treatment on set in the event of an accident and, if required, transport to hospital can be provided without delay.
Location Medical Ambulances are modern, purpose built vehicles fully equipped to current N.H.S. ambulance standards. All vehicles carry full advanced life support equipment, and emergency drugs, and ambulance crews are highly experienced qualified staff.
Ambulances provide a visible medical point on large shoots or locations and, as ever, carry the normal ‘unit nurse’ kit for everyday injuries and ailments.

Location Medical Services is fully registered with, and regulates by the Care Quality Commission to provide ambulance services. This is a legal requirement in England. No production should contract ambulance services from non CQC registered organisations 


Paramedic Support Units

Paramedics can be provided with full Advanced Life Support equipment and drugs in single manned support units. These specialist vehicles can be car based or 4x4 based (for off road locations).  A more compact and economical option than a full ambulance crew - however single manned paramedic vehicles can not transport seriously injured patients to hospital.

All Paramedics are registered with the Health & Care Professions Council. 



Advanced Paramedic Practitioners

Specialist Health Care Professionals - Advanced Paramedics (sometimes called Critical care Paramedics) have undertaken additional training in caring for the most acutely injured patients. Location Medical has a number of AP's who can be provided for high risk or high profile stunts or for filming in locations where hospitals and conventional medical services are remote or inaccessible.