Event Medical Support 

Location Medical has an established reputation as one of the UK’s most established and experienced suppliers of professional medical staff for events.

We Deliver: 
Experience: We cover hundreds of events every year, from small indoor events to major central London public events for 80,000 plus. Medical companies often claim to have "events experience" when they are sub-contracted onto events or work alongside other organisations but Location Medical Services can provide details and references for hundreds of events of all types & sizes that have selected Location Medical as the sole medical contractor.

Professional Standards: We are one very few event medical specialists to provide qualified and experienced NHS medical staff at all events. Not first aiders, volunteers or self trained “EMT’s” with only 2 weeks training!

We are fully registered with, and regulated by,the Care Quality Commission for the provision of professional healthcare and ambulance services in England.

Reliability: Once booked we turn up at the right place, at the right time, with the right staff and the right equipment. Simple as that. No excuses. No let-downs. If we weren't reliable we wouldn't have worked with many of our clients for over 15 years.