There are three versions web, tablet and mobile, try visiting us from all three, your feedback will be greatly appreciated.
Here are a few other things to take a look at :
•It is super secure, the https means every page and form is encrypted.
•New news feed will be updated weekly with our news about our services, stories and people. Don’t worry if you're a facebook addict, all news will go there automatically.
•There are two new areas of the site Event Medical Services and Film & TV Medical Support.
oWithin Film & TV you may notice the pictures aren’t as fresh as the Event Medic section 😭. Producers and Directors don’t want our medics taking pictures on set! So if you're a film or TV customer send us any pics you have of our medics on you set, please.
•Finally if you a client we would love your feedback on our services and quality of our medical services, email your thoughts to
That’s all for now .. looking forward to your feedback.