Location Medical Services - Dependable Professionals

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LMS working with BBC News in the aftermath of Grenfell Tower Fire.

In the hours and days following the horrific Grenfell Tower fire in West London Location Medical Services rapidly deployed Doctors and Paramedic Practitioners to work with BBC Occupational Health and counselling teams in order to provide "round the clock" support for the army of BBC staff deployed to the scene and local newsrooms.

BBC Health & Safety management demonstrated an rapid and absolute commitment to ensuring the safety and welfare of their staff throughout the operation - despite the long hours and early environmental hazards and distressing scenes encountered by their teams.

From the outset the BBC were also committed to ensuring that their team welfare had no impact on overstretched NHS resources in the area throughout the operation, so set up a walk-in medical facility in New Broadcasting House.

Its a pleasure to work with such a far-sighted organisation so clearly committed to the safety and welfare of their staff.